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Here's why you need to comply with OSHA right now

Updated: Dec 9, 2021

Test vials of a red liquid stored in a row.

Congress-created agency OSHA is responsible for ensuring safety at work and a healthful work environment and conditions by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education, and assistance.

With a mission of preventing work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has published standards regarding bloodborne pathogens. The rule applies to all individuals exposed occupationally to blood or other potentially infectious materials. It outlines a control plan with preventive measures and certain methods of control all employers and employees must comply with. The OSHA document and additional publications from the Centers for Disease Control set the standards concerning occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials.

NAD PINWHEEL INC. Has reviewed relevant articles on the subject, so all healthcare providers close to us are aware of OSHA standards and preventive measures. The information gathered here was obtained through cross-reference of bibliographies of previously identified articles.


Routes of transmission of infection with bloodborne pathogens include percutaneous inoculation or contact between blood or certain other bodily fluids with an open wound, non-intact skin, or mucous membranes. Blood is the single most important potential risk of HIV and viral hepatitis infection.


Osha suggests the use of the following in order to comply with its standards:

Protective Barriers like personal equipment (gloves, coats, etc.) reduce the risk of exposure of healthcare workers' skin or membranes to blood and other potentially infective materials.

Work Practice Controls like washing your hands and skin (and/or other areas exposed) with soap and water and avoiding food and drinks where potentially occupational exposure.


Physicians and staff should take precautions to prevent injuries caused by any sharp instruments. Given the availability of inexpensive, single-use, disposable sensory testing devices, there is no role for reusable pinwheels to test sensation. Disposable medical instruments are recommended whenever possible. Outbreaks demonstrate that patient infection may be associated with sharp instruments that are not sterilized according to current guidelines.

We urge you to make the switch to disposable Wartenberg pinwheels. Join the new generation NOW.

The Consequences of Non-Compliance with OSHA Regulations – In the U.S. companies that violate Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations - can end up paying a variety of prices, some that are definite and simple to calculate, and others that are less quantifiable, but real, nevertheless.

Perhaps the biggest cost, however, comes in the form of reputational damage. When a company is shown to be lacking in its health and safety standards, customers, partners and the general public are given a reason to see it in a negative light. This can result in diminished sales, layoffs, bankruptcy, or potentially even going out of business. Reputational damage can be severe, often taking years to recover from, if ever.

Take your first step to OSHA. Join the new generation here.


AANEM Board of Directors. (2014). Risk in Electrodiagnostic Medicine. American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine.

Hyland, C. (2018, August 24). IMEC Technologies Blog. Retrieved from IMEC Technologies:



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