Would you be ready if OSHA were going to inspect you and your healthcare facility today? Are there any of your facility’s conditions that could be improved?
You never know when your next OSHA visit will be so it’s always best for you to be prepared to get the inspection. NAD Pinwheel Inc. has put together a list of general items to keep an eye on and control in order to help your practice pass the inspection.
Before we dive in, we strongly suggest double-checking (It’s important to remember this is not an official manual) this information and, in case of any doubts, you can go directly to OSHA’s website.
Without further ado, here’s the checklist of the areas that you should pay special attention to in order to successfully pass your OSHA inspection: 1. Planning safe handling and disposal of your medical devices
According to the FDA: ‘Discarded devices should be placed in UN type approved waste containers suitable for clinical waste’ This is with the purpose of avoiding the workers to be exposed to bloodborne pathogens.
2. Choose safer medical devices
According to OSHA (United States Department of Labor) "engineering and work practice controls shall be used to eliminate or minimize employee exposure." They recommend to every healthcare provider to choose medical devices that "isolate or remove the bloodborne pathogens hazard from the workplace" such as our NAD Pinwheel which, by being disposable, completely eliminates the risk of transmitting bloodborne pathogens.
3. You are required to have an Exposure Control Plan or ECP within your facility, where every member of your team can have a plan to follow in case there is a risk of being in contact with bloodborne pathogens. Some of the steps of the ECP should be:
Being able to determine in the fastest possible way the kind of pathogen they’ve been exposed to,
Having a list of procedures to evaluate the circumstances that surround the exposure incident,
Having a series of actions to follow after to stop or test the exposure - HIV and HBV testing, Hepatitis B vaccines, post-exposure evaluations, follow-ups, and so on.
These are only some aspects that OSHA will evaluate in your facility. Bloodborne pathogens are not a game and you as a healthcare provider should always be looking after the safety of your patients and healthcare practitioners. NAD Pinwheel Inc. will grant you the certainty of working with the safest neuro-sensory diagnosis tool. Not following the OSHA guidelines for safety at healthcare facilities could be fined with civil penalties of up to $7,000 for each violation depending on the size of your business, the gravity of the violation, and the history of previous ones. If you want to learn more about it you can visit https://www.osha.gov/bloodborne-pathogens/quick-reference. and if you want to shop with us make your order now at https://www.nadpinwheel.com/shop